Any lawyers that can answer, is it illegal (for the plain folk, not a lawyer) to send a ITS letter, when I have no intention to sue?
Any lawyers to tag? @henche?
You want a lawyer to give legal advice on a open forum?
Any lawyers that can answer, is it illegal to send a ITS letter, when I have no intention to sue?
No, it is not illegal.
Are you a lawyer?
What shade of color is gingy?
my avatar
So a shade of orange?Brownish/orange?
any red head is a ginger
I don't think it's any specific shade, rather a spectrum commonly known in English as Redheads.
You should of just said ginger, that I understand.
Well, from my mother's side I'm as Litvish as it gets.
Wow, there's hope
it's good to be a Lubavitcher
You're welcome. (And if you do decide to sue, PM me.)
Would you recommend having a lawyer send the letter? Would they take it more seriously?