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One line summary:
Areivim USA is a dignified way to give צדקה. It is not Life Insurance and doesn't guarantee any sort of financial protection to its members. it is registered as a religious organization and as such isn't required to incur the additional cost of preparing and filing form 990 with the IRS.

I spoke to Areivim at length as I sell life insurance and wanted to best advise ppl that had Areivim already and wanted to supplement it with LI.
I was told that it has never happened that Areivim declined to pay out based on someones assets or LI. It has happened that the family told them they don't need the money, but they never told the family no.
Simple reasoning is, they also think that 100K per yasom doesn't really cover it, the program just won't allow for a higher payout at $28/ monthly. So they encourage everyone to have LI as well to make sure kids are adequetly covered, and owning LI does not disqualify a payout [unless each kid will receive over a million dollars etc].

They are tax exempt. Click on the below IRS link and then download the first attachment. Then search "Areivim USA"

This (I have been to a few Areivim meeting with these Rabbonim)

Harav Elya Brudny, Rosh Yeshivas Mir Flatbush;
Harav Yitzchok Isaac Eichenstein, Galanter Rav;
Harav Doniel Geldzahler, Rosh Yeshivas Ohr Yisrael;
Harav Binyomin Zev Landau, Tosher Dayan of Boro Park;
Harav Henoch Shachar, Rav of Klal Ohr Tuvia in Lakewood

Areivim Terms and Conditions (emphasis added):
4) Areivim USA is not life insurance. Areivim USA has been established primarily as a charitable endeavor and its halachic status is like that of all tzedakah money collected from the public. In the event of a the passing of a member r”l, all contributions can be made with maaser money.

5) In the event of (G-d forbid) a large number of deaths among members (as a result of a war, an earthquake, etc.), Areivim USA reserves the right to consult with its Rabbinical Board on proper procedures.

6) Members have no rights to sue or submit legal claims against the decisions of Areivim USA or its Rabbinical Board, including for failure to initiate a collection. There are no oral agreements or other commitments between Areivim USA and its members, and no such oral agreements or commitments shall be given any legal effect.

« Last edited by ExGingi on May 30, 2021, 11:11:03 AM »


Do you have Areivim & Life Insurance? (NOTE: Areivim is not life insurance)

49 (70%)
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Author Topic: Areivim USA - Coronavirus  (Read 164803 times)

Offline Chapshnell

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Areivim USA - Coronavirus
« on: April 30, 2020, 07:57:50 PM »
Did you guys see the survey they sent out about collecting for the 16 families that the parent passed away? Curious what you all answered if youre willing to share.

They need to raise $8m
They are questioning whether to bill everyone $400 one time shot or different amounts and it will take 3 years etc.

Great organization! Tough times!

I have term life insurance bh but I also am signed up for areivim & I am a big believer in the organization for many reasons starting from a tzedaka perspective & from a self interest perspective of course too. If you havent signed up you should look into it

Offline YitzyS

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Re: Areivim USA - Coronavirus
« Reply #1 on: April 30, 2020, 08:01:04 PM »
Did you guys see the survey they sent out about collecting for the 16 families that the parent passed away? Curious what you all answered if youre willing to share.

They need to raise $8m
They are questioning whether to bill everyone $400 one time shot or different amounts and it will take 3 years etc.

Great organization! Tough times!
I'm waiting for my filter to open the survey site.

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Re: Areivim USA - Coronavirus
« Reply #2 on: April 30, 2020, 08:02:27 PM »
I'm waiting for my filter to open the survey site. What do they want to know? If you'll pay the $400 up front?

Also... its a few dif questions leading into that.

$400 lump sum & lets all move on w the reg. Monthly charges, $28 extra a month or $14 extra a month I believe.

Its a survey. Nothing firm but you can see where its headed

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Re: Areivim USA - Coronavirus
« Reply #3 on: April 30, 2020, 08:04:16 PM »
I am a big believer in the organization for many reasons starting from a tzedaka perspective & from a self interest perspective of course too. If you havent signed up you should look into it

The premise is very smart. Instead of making flashy campaigns when someone dies, there is a donor list that will each give $7 per orphan. As a plus, you have that protection.

I see it as a tzedakah opportunity. The self-protection is only a bonus.

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Re: Areivim USA - Coronavirus
« Reply #4 on: April 30, 2020, 08:04:40 PM »
Also... its a few dif questions leading into that.

$400 lump sum & lets all move on w the reg. Monthly charges, $28 extra a month or $14 extra a month I believe.

Its a survey. Nothing firm but you can see where its headed
Thanks. I'll iyH post here after I fill it out.

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Re: Areivim USA - Coronavirus
« Reply #5 on: April 30, 2020, 08:05:41 PM »

The premise is very smart. Instead of making flashy campaigns when someone dies, there is a donor list that will each give $7 per orphan. As a plus, you have that protection.

I see it as a tzedakah opportunity. The self-protection is only a bonus.

Exactly, if you are willing to support unmarried orphans & even an almana sometimes when there are many kids left at home then this is a no brainer.

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Re: Areivim USA - Coronavirus
« Reply #6 on: April 30, 2020, 08:07:02 PM »
Thanks. I'll iyH post here after I fill it out.

I filled out $28 extra a month for 2 years. Although if I had it perfectly my way I would say $14 over 3 years & add a comment “divide it evenly across all families slowly” so all are getting but not lump sums

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Re: Areivim USA - Coronavirus
« Reply #7 on: April 30, 2020, 08:12:17 PM »
April 30,2020
Dear Mr. and Mrs. Chapshnell,

     Coronavirus has affected a large number of Areivim families. As of April 30, there have been 16 member losses, and a total of 80 orphaned children, R”l. We sincerely hope that the number will not increase. The total value of the funds that Areivim will establish for these families is a staggering $8,000,000; a sum that amounts to $400 per Areivim group member. That is in addition to the other funds being established for losses that occurred before the current crisis.
Areivim and its members are absolutely committed to the needs of the group, and will, with Hashem’s help, set up funds for every single grieving family. We owe as much to the departed, the widows and widowers, and their many orphans. At the same time, we are committed to all of our members, and do not wish to place an undue burden on individual families, specifically at this time of financial hardship.
     As an Areivim member, we ask you to complete this short survey so that we can decide on a course of action that will be fair to the families who suffered losses, as well as to the entire group. Please note that your responses do not require you to commit to anything at this time. They will only help us set policy.

Please click here for the survey .

Current figures reflect the number of cases as of April 30, 2020. We sincerely hope that the number will not grow.
In the event of more losses,  ח"ו, we will update members with revised numbers.
בשורות טובות!

Areivim USA
Thank you & Tizku L'Mitzvos
For any questions or for further assistance feel free to contact us at:
1-877-827-3484 / 1-866-727-3484 / 718-977-5079
By email  or by replying to this email.

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Re: Areivim USA - Coronavirus
« Reply #8 on: April 30, 2020, 08:21:38 PM »
I have never even heard if this organization!

So its usually $28 a month all while setting aside 100,000 per unmarried child under 35?

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Re: Areivim USA - Coronavirus
« Reply #9 on: April 30, 2020, 08:25:17 PM »
I have never even heard if this organization!

So its usually $28 a month all while setting aside 100,000 per unmarried child under 35?
and if more then 3 kids another 100,000 for the parent

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Re: Areivim USA - Coronavirus
« Reply #10 on: April 30, 2020, 08:27:00 PM »
I have never even heard if this organization!

So its usually $28 a month all while setting aside 100,000 per unmarried child under 35?
its only if someone passe away its not a fixed rate, with a max of $28 per month, now that they need to collect so much the want to raise the max per month


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Re: Areivim USA - Coronavirus
« Reply #11 on: April 30, 2020, 08:28:01 PM »
Just took survey,
Voted $400 right away!
Why should these orphans wait for their money.

This is such a nice organization that I can’t see why one wouldn’t sign up, I’m on it for 7 years now and feel so good about it.

By participating in such a small donation ($7) per orphan, millions of dollars were contributed.

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Re: Areivim USA - Coronavirus
« Reply #12 on: April 30, 2020, 08:28:36 PM »
I have never even heard if this organization!

But I just signed up because of @YitzyS and @Chapshnell. Tizku L'mitzvos
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Re: Areivim USA - Coronavirus
« Reply #13 on: April 30, 2020, 08:32:22 PM »
I'm a member for years. I think this is a very worthy cause and it has a built in protection on top of my LI policies.

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Re: Areivim USA - Coronavirus
« Reply #14 on: April 30, 2020, 08:33:39 PM »

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Re: Areivim USA - Coronavirus
« Reply #15 on: April 30, 2020, 08:34:01 PM »
Just took survey,
Voted $400 right away!
Why should these orphans wait for their money.
+1 its just not so easy for every one to give $400 in one time. are they going to make the decision by vote or everyone can give what the said?


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Re: Areivim USA - Coronavirus
« Reply #16 on: April 30, 2020, 08:34:45 PM »
+1 its just not so easy for every one to give $400 in one time. are they going to make the decision by vote or everyone can give what the said?
not sure.

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Re: Areivim USA - Coronavirus
« Reply #17 on: April 30, 2020, 08:42:03 PM »
+1 its just not so easy for every one to give $400 in one time. are they going to make the decision by vote or everyone can give what the said?
to my understanding, they just want to hear the opinion and make 1 decision across the board based on the responses

while they need the money more then ever before
some don't have money to spare due to the financial impact

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Re: Areivim USA - Coronavirus
« Reply #18 on: April 30, 2020, 08:45:14 PM »
If you click on the PDF symbol after following that link, there is a lot more info as to how they operate.

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Re: Areivim USA - Coronavirus
« Reply #19 on: April 30, 2020, 08:46:11 PM »
But I just signed up because of @YitzyS and @Chapshnell. Tizku L'mitzvos
Glad to hear. I don't think you'll regret it. I'm a member for almost 3 years and I never had any second thoughts.