When setting up an account, you can either give them a bank account no. Or a credit card no. What does this mean, could I send money to a friend from my credit card? Will this be treated as cash advance?
1) if someone is going to pay you via Q.P. --what info does he require so that he can make a payment? 2) does he need to go into a branch to make the payment ?2) if he wants to cancel his payment , what protection do you have ?thanks
1) If you have a qp account, than all he needs is your email address, and would will get an email notifying you and to accept the money. 2) It's done online. 3) Once the money has been accepted he cant cancel anymore.
name and email to be precise.
sounds like -- for privacy--do not use your main e/m account
why not?
i do not want my personal e/m account given out to business associates, especially if they are one time clients , just my preference do u easily give out your e/m to one timers that you may not have even met ?
You do business with (even one timers) that don't have the basic decency not to spam you?
I and many others do biz with people they never met , takes all kinds to make up this world,--and it is not necessary to have someone i have not meet have my e/m -- many people even pay for caller id or to have a phone number unlisted
The only spam I receive on my pro address are for all sort of enlargements,
The only spam I receive on my pro address are for all sort of enlargements, nothing to do with the people I did business with.If they would spam me, I'd slash their tires, pin/pun intended.
how could i slash tires of people i never met --LOL!!
Mossad for dummies would be a good start.
Can this be used same as Amazon pmts where you can pay others via a (non-chase) credit card?
AFAIK can't be used with any CC period