OK. Tell me more
Proceeds to say *exactly* what I wrote almost word for word, except* it was indoors and not a sukkah. Unreal.
*my post didn't even say it was a sukkah, only throwing another classic line an "elder" would rant about
(did one of your cousins tell you about the setting at my Shabbos table this week?)
Nothing to do with elder, more like male (practicality - "you must leave at least a drop of space between chairs, do you really need that many") vs female (looks - "I need a chair for every person, those black chairs look horrible, people will manage"). And then at mealtime when some extra bochurim showed up I just bravely told them to swap out a few chairs for a bench (those purple and orange benches are priceless - extremely comfortable, yet as DW would say "as ugly as it gets").