If that's the case, going to college is similar to gambling too, because you never know how much you'll earn with your degree. So is buying airplane tickets, maybe the price will go down right after you bought them. My point is, every decision a person makes can be similar to gambling if viewed under the same light.
Not right,
It might be hard sometimes to get a good job even with a degree but you can definitely struggle for it and achieve it, you can have a slow business and market it and see results, you can have a store where ppl wouldn't enter and just renovate it to attract ppl to it, bottom line... in every business if there's anything that keeps you from making money you can actually "do" something to fix it and make it better,
Unlikely when you buy stocks you can do absolutely NOTHING that the stock should go up, you can try your best speculating guessing and assuming which one would go up but there's nothing you can actually do.