In December 2012 I hired a developer to make the first ever Wiki for an SMF forum.
I think it's been great and cut down on a lot of repeat questions, but more threads need Wikis and many threads have Wikis that have out of date info in them.
ChaimMoskowitz suggested that people should take ownership of a Wiki and take pride in it. If you would like to volunteer to be in charge of making and/or updating a Wiki or several Wikis that are on topics or places that you are passionate about then please post here.
A Wiki on a destination should contain all of the info needed so that someone can plan an awesome trip without having to spend days of research.
A Wiki on a mileage topic should have good background info and be able to preempt the most commonly asked questions.
So, who's in?
I'll start with being in charge of keeping the Cleveland Master Thread up to date