What would you define as "one mistake" ?
Lying when being questioned, "Have you been to israel?"
On the Visa form they ask you to list all countries Visited.
Logging in to your email or social media account can be very dangerous, the state department warns:
" Iranian security personnel may at times place foreign visitors under surveillance. Hotel rooms, telephones, and fax machines may be monitored, and personal possessions in hotel rooms may be searched. Photography near military and other government installations is strictly prohibited and could result in serious criminal charges, including espionage, which carries the death penalty."
I opened a new Gmail address right before I left, but unfortunately Iran blocked access to Gmail at the time

I made up with my wife that when I call she shouldn't ask me if I'm scared or tell me that she is scared or anything like that.
Any mention of Israel or any talk of Iranian politics can bring espionage charges against you.
Photography in the wrong place can get you in to deep trouble.
Also, state department warns:
"U.S. citizens may be subject to harassment or arrest while traveling or residing in Iran. Since 2009, Iranian authorities have prevented the departure, in some cases for several months, of a number of Iranian-American citizens, including journalists and academics, who traveled to Iran for personal or professional reasons."
I left out Israel from countries visited, and luckily I wasn't asked again when being questioned.