Try to hear me out. Let's assume you're like me and paid $8,300 up front to lease the Bolt for 3 years. Let's also assume you plan on buying out the car at the end of the lease. So, instead of opting in for a trade for another car and cashing the $5,000 difference from Chevy, why not return the Bolt to Chevy, cash in $8,300, and then buy the same EV you have now at $26,595 MSRP, and cash in on the $4,000 NJ rebate. So essentially after the 3 year lease this option will land you a Bolt for $14,295. The other option will maximize the difference in MSRP at $5,000 and not being able to take advantage of the NJ rebate.
If you’re thinking about that, sit tight until the federal law passes, because it may reallow the tax credit of $7500 to be used for GM purchases. If that happens, I will buy a new bolt too. It’s pretty much the cheapest EV out there.
Also - you have to turn the vehicle in right then, you don’t get the rest of the lease term. So make sure you don’t have a gap while you wait for the new car…