If I can, I'd like to put forth a request to my fellow, beloved DDFers. (Chill, I'm not about to ask you for your SS numbers...)
When the Covid board opened, some (myself included) were quick to start a new string of threads for subjects that were already being served in the JS board, and it made things unnecessarily confusing. For example, I don't think there is any need for a thread dedicated to "Random/interesting/funny pictures that are Covid related" - you can just post them in the regular thread and save a lot of confusion and reposting. By the same token, in hindsight there was no need for a "RIP/BDE thread - Covid edition", which I actually created. It only led to redundant posting, and a lot of possibly-insensitive arguments about the reason certain people died.
That being said, I'm putting out a request that we don't repeat the mistakes here, and we don't, for the sake of unnecessary bureaucracy (or OCD), start a new string of threads that are "politics related." It would be much simpler for us to keep posting the random/interesting/funny pictures in the standard JS thread, alongside all the other random/interesting/funny pictures.
Thanks for listening[/rant]