Amazing!Can you please elaborate on the planning phase? Cash or points? Minyan/chabad in the area?
Right now I'm on leg 67.
I would like to dedicate this monumental trip report to Something Fishy, which inspired the whole trip.
Pics is always a plus. Helps a sale go through.
Not sure why you keep going back to the same refrigerator, you should broaden your horizons, especially if you claim to be inspired by Something Fishy.
Gray lines trace my wife's travel path...
This is really groundbreaking. It's my first ever TR on DDF. This is a map of my complete trip. I hope to label the legs later today, so that you can see the order of my travels.Enjoy.
Where’s the couch?
Thankfully, although my TR's name would suggest so, I did NOT spot any centipedes during my trip.
Is this the first ever trip report that ends in JS?
it's good to be a Lubavitcher
When you did you make a new signature?
Can someone bump this thread for @YitzyS I’m sure he’s dying for someone to beg him to finish his TR