go to page layout, select landscape. You can change page size in that tab.
Thanks, how about #3?
Can the Office keys from genuinekey be used on more than one computer?
Even if yes do it asap cuz they expire
the link or the license?
licence IME
When placing order on cheapgk.com website, did you put in real address etc?(When i emailed them, they told me to pay them with amazon gc, and just include the order #)
Whats with the necropost?
Can I buy a key oncheapgk.com and enter it in the office page opening up on my new laptop asking if i want to try it or i have a key i purchased?
Cant hurt to try.
And if not what do I do?And is there any good reason to go for office 2013 over 2007?
I'm rethinking y is it better to buy a key from cheapgk.com then using a crack there not ligt there doing shtik too?
might as well torrent?
Just wondering if anyone else is having issues with their torrented copy of office.After updating my Microsoft Security essentials my word outlook excel etc. freeze and crash randomly...it seems they patched the hacked edition from what people are saying...is there a new copy that overrides it?Any options?TIA