I disagree. If he engages in a semi respectful way it is worthwhile it to engage, at least for the sake of others who read the exchange.
Even if you won't change his mind, it is worth correcting. I made this point in the comments on View From the Wing; it is not "Netanyahu". WE know their is a unity government, the war plans of the IDF are not some strangelovian plot by the "right wing religious fanatics".
Too many normies ignore that crucial point. There are so many in the libertarian/liberal/ progressive or even "conservative" camps who strongly support Israel in the war but think the Right bloc as led by Netanyahu are theocratic or fascist extremists. Its a real Chaval.
The whole notion that both sides are led by leaders who cynically shy away from a lasting peace ignores the lack of interest in the existence of israel by the Palestinian polity. That should be hammered home in our Hasbarah; as Dan alluded to. This is not about settlements, judicial reform, Netanyahu, checkpoints and other excuses.
An otherwise sympatheic colleague made this point right after Oct 7; he made some stupid point about how "leaders" are the problem. I let it slide as the grief was too raw and his sympathy was otherwise too heartfelt.
We Jews (I am not Israeli or Zionist but I do consider myself jewish and connected to all yidden; as required by Toras Hashem, something seemingly ignored by too many chareidim) have a right to defend ourselves contra mr lee. Even if that means killing civilians.