define this
First of all, I wrote this before you explained your embarrassment, which I along with others obviously understood that your issue is that we can't donate organs, if this brings you embarrassment I would assume lots of other things embarrass you, hence "you've got many other Judaism issues"
I am ok with the no donating and yes receiving concept.
My 2 issues right now from this thread were brought up tangentially:
1. pikuach nefesh doesn't apply to a goy (the hatzolah example) and
2. kavod hames doesn't apply to a goy
1. AFAIK the only reason Pikuach Nefesh is Doche Shabbos is מוטב שיחלל שבת אחת כדי לשמור שבתות הרבה (loosely translated to
You're better off desecrating one Shabbos so that many Shabbosos may be kept. Being Mechalel Shabbos for a Goy won't bring to more Shmiras Shabbos
2. That's not why we can accept organs from a Goy, if they're harvesting the organ anyway there's no reason to let it die or give it away