Alol, what a bogus study
Read: "I'm not sure what to say, there's a study that disproves what I believe and I'm not open to changing my position, help me!"
Would it be fair to call most Trump supporters stupid, ignorant or both?
im too lazy to find links but u know all those interviews that Waters from fox (cant remember his first name) does on college campuses or the streets that also proves ppl dont know what obama's policies are or who's your congressman or where the DMV is in the neighborhood?ok so it goes both ways.hooray
Don't tell me you are falling for this stolen election BS. I have you in the 20% not 80%. Do I need to change that?
חניפה,-146.4138105,3a,56.4y,28.85h,87.57t/data=!3m8!1e1!3m6!1sAF1QipOi3TEtDQ1tfo-ppdZsr3IKwiZK8TJneyn0DSu0!2e10!3e11!!7i11264!8i5632What's wrong with this picture