Still don't have one? Waiting to hear of some success stories here!
Was waiting for the anova WiFi model but that will be released at the end if the year at earliest. Not gonna wait that long.I emailed them and they wouldn't give a time-frame but did say something about hoping for this year.
Have got to still read up a bit more to really decide if Ill use it that much to make a purchase worthwhile. Step 1 is now moving from timing my meat to using my BBQ Thermometer.
At least you bought a thermometer.
The BBiQ for 99% off was something I simply couldn't pass on.
Nice! 99%?
Anyone have any insight on using the same sous vide cooker for milk and meat?
Check out these ideas have any insight on using the same sous vide cooker for milk and meat?
Hmmm. If you double wrap it in the plastic, then the food will be nosein taam into the first layer, but as long as no liquid between, the first layer shouldn't be nosein taam in the second layer. I bet its ok. Don't rely on me though.
plastic is permeable, thus you have hot beef juices going through the coilsbesides, you dont really double wrap with sous vide
Does anyone know where I can buy kosher sausage casings? Google has only found one type that advertises as Kosher, but nothing to back it up.
try glat mart
Are you basing that ok experience or a random guess?
Thanks. I'm looking for something online as I don't live in the US.
i actually think there are better options in the uk
Haven't found any here. Do you know of anything?