What other well known OU-D items are typically only DE?
There are times when something is 100% bona fide milchigs, but it is not labeled as dairy in the allergy panel. This is because only certain components of the milk trigger common dairy allergies. However, as far as kosher is concerned, the food is decidedly dairy.
Most importantly, the volume produced on commercial equipment is so high that any flavor (bliyos) remaining in the walls would certainly become nullified in a ratio of 1/60 to the kosher food now being processed. (This is known as shefa, see YD 99.) This is in contrast to when one cooks at home, in which case there is generally not 60 times as much kosher food as there is tainted equipment.
I don’t understand this.Keilem are always assumed to have more than 1/60 of what they contain, why is commercial any different?Shefa is when the amount of issur itself is negligible.
Perhaps he means to say that there is such a large volume of product being produced that even if bliyos don’t come out of a kli uniformly there are only two possibilities; either the bliyos were concentrated in less than 60 times volume of product, in which case the tainted product is batel חד בתרי in the far larger amount of untainted product, or the bliyos may have uniformly gone into the entire run in which case it is consistently batel in the product run which contains many times 60.
1) There is definitely industrial equipment that qualifies as נחושתו דק ורוחבו גדול. I did the math.
2) If we don't say ChN"N for cholov akum then there is a possibility to say you include the entire run in tashmisho bishefa (depends on machlokes IIRC)
3) When you are not dealing with an individual chaticha there are opinions that we don't say ChN"N until the end of the process.
Is there a reason cholov akum in particular shouldn’t be subject to chanan?
So the reason always circles back to the פרי חדש (and Rav Moshe)…Is it always לח בלח?
Rav Moshe himself is willing to be somech on לח בלח שאר איסורים even without the pri chadash