Lots of kosher observant passengers eating French toast waffles and pancakes from the non kosher venue? Aside from bishul akum concerns there are serious tarfus issues with keilim. As a baseline the kosher breakfast buffet should try to provide equivalent alternatives so guests are not moving over to the treif breakfast stations.
I know it’s just a start, but I’m kind of conflicted. On the one hand without kosher supervision many of these folks might have gone on the non kosher cruise and consumed many more non kosher items so the hashgacha is doing a service. On the other hand it involves so many potential issues for those who only join because it’s kosher supervised. A kosher pizza oven right next to a treif one behind the same counter. A sushi station with some rolls ok to eat and others treif gomur with no signage. There’s a lot that needs to be done to bring things up to standard.
The mainstream hashgacha organizations will not certify cruises, as far as I understand mostly because they’ve found it impossible to effectively implement acceptable kashrus standards . I’m sure
@moko would know a lot more about this than me. Perhaps with RC backing there would be latitude to create a kosher supervision that is up to acceptable standards for the mainstream orgs.