I walked into that new restaurant, Heimish. I don't get it. It looks like the takeout counter at GG or Seasons. Am I missing something?
What time is the right times, I was there this morning at 10am took ten minutes to find a spot, what time would be better then 10am on a Wednesday???
Have you ever sat down to eat at GG or Seasons? Have you gone out to GG or Seasons with friends? Also IMHO the food is less commercial than GG deli counter.
And what was delicious dishes?
Off the Wall closed.
to clarify, i'm NOT knocking heimish. just trying to understand
Shocking!! I guess you can only con people into $15 cups of yogurt for so long.
FTFY.I dont know forsure because I dont hang out there or go to eat, but isn't this how the heimishe places in willi, boro park etc... operate? Then go full throttle on Thursday night?
Closed closed? for good?
Techically, a sign on the door says that they are closed for renovations, although I think that we all know what that means.
same as sushi mitzuyan
did they sell those by weight? I guess people can have less yogurt or toppings if needed. The places that I've tasted haven't been good. Real ice cream is much, much better.
Anyone know which hechscher THE UPPER CRUST has?
99% sure it's Five Town Vaad.