There are some different ways that the US banks deal with exchange rates even when they're giving you the inter-bank rate. For example when I withdraw on my Capital One 360 ATM card the rate is set on the spot and it's final. When I use my Capital One (non 360) card my account shows a tentative $ amount for the total withdrawal but the rate is finalized a day or two later when the transaction posts, similar to the way it works with credit card purchases.
Interesting, any idea how td works?
A little further up the hill on Strauss is a Leumi.
Thanks, will stop by there next time and hope for the best.(curios to see if it has to do with the bank? Or only the debit card(td/capital one), will try at hapoalim,and then Leumi in the same time period for the same amount of shekal and see if they give the same amount for the same debit amount.