Now that this one has a fork in it lets move on. Am I understanding correctly that there are timers that are kosher?
Yes before shabbos you set your programmable switch (also known as a shabbos clock) to turn on and off your lights and appliances on a fixed schedule
Need to do some research first but it looks like I am going to have a field day with this one. Any other gadgets used for Shabbos?
This one has been used for many years and I can tell you from experience needing to predict beforehand when you will need it and when not is not the same as being able to turn it on and off at whim
Need to do some research first but it looks like I am going to have a field day with this one.
Yes, don't miss the Kosher Lamp Have fun!
if you need any arguments one way or the other let me know . im pretty sure i can outdebate almost anyone here in either direction
You are joking?
Thanks for the letter. I also was thinking the same thing, never understood the matirim.
Letter from Rabbi Berel Levin:
Is there a goy version?
FWIU there are no matirim it's all a scam
"what were they thinking..."
Rav Moshe beat you to this...he said that had they come to him he would have assered it.