Thanks denverite.
But I'm just using her and the article as an example. I never used matchmakers or bothered with online dating.
A close friend of mine who is a shliach, hounded me to date a girl, maybe it was a good match but the way it was presented was that I have problems and she does and hey 2 pieces to the puzzle.
Well you ever do a puzzle and 2 pieces are alike at first but don't fit?
I'm just turned off in general to get offers simply because I may be considered disabled and so is she.
It's insulting and offensive to both of them.
meanwhile, while the world was often cruel to me when I was young, thank god I thrive amongst hundreds of friends (if I said thousands, the ddf police will call me out.. But somehow I feel I have thousands of friends?!)
You guys thankfully don't have these challenges, I'll be honest here, there's not enough tears in the world to describe being in shull on rosh hashana, in your head you hear them singing the daled bavos, you hear the bracha, and you hear the shofar blast and it's all in your head.
Can you imagine what it's like putting on tefillen when you've #1 lost coordination in your right hand, still considered a halachik righty, have 2 large tumors in the palm of your left hand, drop your Shel rosh when putting it on your hand and crying to god when saying shema because still, still with all this you love god bechol levavcha, bechol nafshecha, bechol meodecha.
These are real every day struggles I went through. Thank god I got my hearing back, I got the tumors out.
But the struggles between man and god I can't change, those are intimate. I love god, we fight, we make up.
But the struggles of humanity, that's bs. Judaism evolves around marriage and having kids and building a home.
Why, why should I put myself in the court of public opinion, I do it here for the odd shits and giggles or to express opinions but why would someone disabled reality disabled or not have to be dragged in public.
So, I'm sure my soul mate is out there, I know I have a lot to offer, great wine is certainly one of them, but hell no I'd never go date random blind dates or get near a matchmaker, I'm not a curiosity circus.