Maybe. I've never had good luck with Dramamine for example. I usually get so sick that I'm vomiting until there's nothing left, but maybe there something I don't know about.
Dramamine doesn't stand a chance in the Drake. Almost all of us were wearing prescription-only patches called scopalomine behind our ears. It's quite powerful and can have some minorly unpleasant side effects. Some in our group wore their patches throughout (you have to replace them every few days), while I only wore on the way across the Drake and back, to minimize side effects.
Others wore those wristbands, and others took Dramomine and a bunch of other similar meds. The on-ship doctor had some meds that many in our group used as well. B"H I held up pretty well with the scopalomine patches, but others in the group weren't as fortunate.
Even worse was that the return through the Shake was on the 24-hour Asara b'Teves. Many in the group had heterim to fast for shorter periods of time, but almost all who attempted to eat paid the price. I'll leave it to
@Something Fishy to tell it as only he can...