So a certain website owner messaged us with this:
The question went unanswered.
Then tonight this was sent:
The last message wasn't received, so it was sent again from a different number:
What do people think of someone like this? Clearly not interested in anything even resembling civil.
Been running a site for 15 years with literally countless copycats and people targeting the same demographic and deals etc. But that's the way business goes, and this is the industry standard from sites with 100 million monthly visits down to new sites that popup every day.
Needless to say we try to stay out of petty fights, haters, trolls etc. that are always trying to beat us down, cause trouble, or take parnasa away.
One example was a person that made an account on DDF and made an Amazon affiliate link that was clO3f-20 instead of ours cl03f-20, and posted it on DDF for a long time he was making sales with his links on here, until we realized and had it fixed. We didn't make him pay anything back because what can you do, people are out there plotting twisted things and hate you just because bh you do well for yourself and your family.
We've seen complaints on twitter from sites that say we "took their deals" and stuff like that, which is kinda crazy when those sites never give credit, they even use URL's created just for us for a deal, i.e. it's impossible it came from anywhere else, and post those deals with no credit of course (among literally countless other copies), but when they feel it is happening to them, the world has ended and they are being stolen from, and they deserve credit. It really boggles my mind how people see others with hate and they are a saint. Anyway this whole topic is a different conversation, and as I mentioned it's a standard in the industry right or wrong. The point is the hypocrisy is just ridiculous.
We don't hide who we are, we didn't create a site out of secrecy and go try to steal away readers from other people, that is a benefit of doing this for so long, yet other sites love to hide behind their site names and keep their identity hidden. I feel this is a problem with trolls online on most forums, when people are anonymous they feel empowered, they feel like they can be someone who they would never be in a face to face conversation. Such as making threats...
One time Dan had just made some post about BRG shtick iirc, and someone on FlyerTalk said he will hire a hit on him, or something to that extent, of a "death threat" we reported it to FT and the FBI for good measure, because you really don't know what the crazies in this world will do and what makes them tick. Unfortunately cyber threats are a VERY real thing, as we sadly learned this year.
We are very blessed and thank G-d and our readers daily for what we have. It's sad some people always want to rip that away...
So, DDF what do you make of this?