It's a nice idea. Several problems with "social distance minyanim"
1. Preparation can potentially expose non-participants
(ex. My neighbors grandparents have a sefer torah in their house - when you take it out for the minyanim, you are putting the elderly at risk)
2. Setting a bad example:
Other people see a minyan, and want to join. Or do their own, but without the proper social distancing.
3. Goes against psak
Virtually every single posek in every affected country all around the world are saying "no minyanim at all!" Once you start making exceptions for one, you are inviting other people to make exceptions; and not everyone is going to be as careful as you.
4. Affects other household members
If you are davening on your porch with your neighbors on their porches, you are preventing the people inside your houses from taking socially distant walks etc. Although if early enough I guess that's not really a problem.
All else being equal, if you live in a small bungalow type community, davening with each other and no one else on your front porches while being socially distant, I *guess* you're ok. In larger urban areas, such as NYC (including Boro Park) I can't see this is being feasible. By the time you're three houses away you can't hear anything unless you're shouting.