If this was true, these arbitrary openings wouldn't still be happening. Most democrat run states only started opening up when the pressure got too intense and/or they couldn't continue the hypocrisy of allowing protests but nothing else.
As far as vaccines, I would love for there to be one sooner rather than later, but I'll believe it when I see it. Why are you so certain there won't be a single bump in the road pushing the release of a vaccine of by at least a few months?
You call them arbitrary, but they are following a plan. Now you can argue about the logic or rationale behind the plans, but the fact is they are opening without a vaccine, rendering the argument moot.
As far as vaccines, I anticipate many bumps, and I personally wouldn't use the first few vaccines that come out. But there is more than one vaccine with an expected release date of late 2020 / early 2021, and given the way Hydroxychloriquin was given emergency temp approval, I think it's a very solid bet that at least one will make it through by early 2021.