Inspired by RYBs's now yearly comment at the end of our matza chabura "B"H the matzos came out fine, I hope to need to bake new ones b'teharah" (paraphrasing), I thought it would be useful, meaningful and cool to start to create a list of stuff we're going to need to make pesach when moshiach comes, especialy things that maybe lesser known... Hopefully this will be relevant for this year, but even if not we can start to create our own "moshich bag" of needed things, especialy things that might be in short supply on short notice.
1. A sheep. (OK, everyone knows that

2. Another sheep/ram/something... for a korbon chagiga
3. There just might be a shortage of shochtim, so learn how to shecht dakos
4. A straight pomegranate branch, to use as a spit for roasting the KP.
5. A Tahor, vertical? oven/roasting pit that fits an entire lamb
6. Shmura m'shas Ketzira Flour (by def not huchshar lekabel tumah)
7. Keilim for making matza that are either not mekabel tuma or are tovelable
8. Tahor Maror. (Maybe the best way is to grow our own? or will the bugs make it tamei the second you wash it?)
What else?