So I just heard Shiur saying basically there are two reasons we don't listen to music sefira- 1) we are machmir during this time like the ones that hold not to listen all year, 2) it is a kal vachomer from dancing .. (Cited in aruch hashilchon and r Moshe )
As mentioned above r Moshe does Matir listening to radio - which Is source for heter of recorded music (though some hold it is a kli zemer)..
Listening to classical style would also depend on the above reasons- for if it is for "availos" (for beis hamikdash and talmudei r Akiva) like a whole year would be assur, if it's because it brings to dancing would be mutar..
The sec reason is also heter for Kumzitz ,
R Belsky differentiates btwn dif types of aka pella- for he holds it must be st humanly possible ie: without any computer modification, in order not to be called "kli zemer"
With regarding what to do contact your lor.