This is really unbelievable. For anyone who thought the news has anything to do with reality.. this “scoop” has now been picked up by just about every major national outlet. That the CDC “recently changed their guidelines” to include this information.. can someone find the cached page and when they changed it? I’m not so internet savvy. But I can confidently say it was in April.
I also thought I had seen this earlier. The bottom of this page says "last reviewed April 13, 2020", so it must have been around then. it's being resurrected now so that people will feel comfortable about going out into the world again.
Though I don't find it particularly clear or reassuring. Touching surfaces is "not thought to be the main way the virus spreads"... but it is a minor way? What does that mean? Responsible for 1% of infections? 5%? 25%? Would I be any less sick if I became infected in a non-main way? What is this based on?