If we had hyperinflation commodity contracts would probably lose liquidity (for the underlying commodity). Besides, what would you trade your sugar or wheat for then? Gold?
ETA: Hyperinflation happened much quicker in Zimbabwe.
If it's isolated like Zimbabwe, you can trade your sugar/wheat for forex which didn't inflate.
If there is USD/global hyperinflation, you trade/barter your sugar/wheat for other immediate survival necessities or assets you believe to be worth more when the hyperinflation ends (gold/real estate/stocks). If hyperinflation doesn't end, survival necessities are the best assets to hold onto as they will always appreciate more than others.
Again, hyperinflation is incredibly far off. Even if the US deficit increases by $5T per year it will likely take at least a decade. Hyperinflation is result of uncertainty more than just inflation. So long as Congress spends slowly with plentiful deliberation hyperinflation is virtually impossible.