So... 11 family members, 9 dependents under 18....tripling the uncle Joe gonna be giving me a $40,000??A lot of Frum folks are going to start remembering why we were all Democrats 20 years ago...
If Joe Manchin sticks to his promise to not blow the filibuster, who will they get to be their vote 50?
Obviously it's all just a proposal at this point, but my understanding is Biden wants to waive the income requirements at least for one year. I guess a family with 10 dependents & $22,500 income can be looking at a best case scenario additional payout of $40,000 between stimulus and new refundable child tax credits.
Something like this may help me towards a down payment but I still won't vote Democrat. Hashem has lots of ways of getting me the money he chooses to send me. If this is how He chooses to send it I still don't owe Joe any special thank you. Joe wouldn't do this for me personally. He couldn't care less about the people who need the money; it's all politics.
Joe Manchin doesn’t stick to his promises
like.Now replace Joe with Donald in that sentence
As a tax preparer many people ask me about "the checks from Donald Trump". I tell them that Donald Trump didn't take any money out of his pocket.
My guess is you're a tax preparer in Brooklyn (BP), Monsey or Monroe
Nowhere near any of those.
Press Secretary Jen Psaki confirms that stimulus checks will be $1400. She says that $1400 checks will deliver on Biden's promise of $2000 checks because they come on top of the $600 authorized by the last bill.
Any more checks for children? Or us this is only for adults?
Children too, including dependents over age 17