Throwing lit matches around also doesn't always cause a fire.
seriously - for the sake of "science" & "data" - can we get a few "scientists" to come to our areas and check out - no masks, no SD, shuls open regular since Shuvos, yet life is normal and no "pandemic level" hospitalizations or deaths.
In the big chasidish courts - Satmar/Bobov/Pupa/Visnitz/Skwere/Belz (and all others) Tishrei was regular and no major hospitalizations or deaths (like we had before Pesach).
The Satmar wedding that was "shut down" 2 weeks ago? Happened in secret that night. How many Visnitz/Skwere and other rebbish weddings happened in the past few months? how many non-rebbish weddings are nightly? all halls are full without any masks (besides the waiters) and the only thing reminding you thats something is going on is that you have to enter thru a side door.
And we can all agree COVID is not soooo deadly - simply look at the numbers anywhere besides NY - and the cost of shutting down the economy is causing way more damage
Whether you think a wedding with thousands of people is reckless or not, gloating about it in a newspaper surely is.
Why did the only Satmar weddings hit the news (and not the other chasidish weddings)? Simply because once a Belz'er - you will always hate Satmar... (והמבין יבין)