א ליובאוויטשער האט אמאל געזאגט פאר א ליטוואק אז אלול איז ראשי תיבות "אלע ליטווישע ווערן ליובאוויטשער"האט דער ליטוואק געפרעגט אפשר פארקערט "אלע ליובאוויטשער ווערן ליטווישע"? זאגט ער אז דו האסט א גראדע ראשי תיבות פארוואס פארדרייען??
אחד הליטאים לא אהב את הבדיחה והתריס לעומתו: ואלי זה הפוך, 'אלע ליובביטשער ווערן ליטוואקעס'? ענה לו השליח: 'אתה רואה? זה ליטוואק! אם אפשר ללכת ישר למה ללכת עקום'!.
Not exactly... Maybe for the tzibbur but not for me.First day went: seuda, finished at chatzos (my 9YO said this massive twenty minute story and I didn't want to interrupt her on RH). Slept until 2:40 mincha, seuda shlishis after. Was in the Beis Midrash after that.Second day, my wife went to tekios right as I came home, then we ate. Slept like a rock until maybe 3. Went to the Beis Midrash until mincha and then tashlich and then back to the Beis Midrash.
Is not napping on RH only a Chabad thing?
Also, taking a nap after chatzos is probably better than waking up after vasikin (ie sleeping during RH day)
And this is where we'd differ.
Why would sleeping then be better than the afternoon?
Nighttime sleeping ≠ daytime napping (actively going back to sleep on a day when you're not supposed to)
And you are calling 830am nighttime sleeping?
It's passively sleeping, not actively going to sleep.
I don't always agree with R' Zalmanov , but,
What’s the source for this?
The Arizal says after chatzos is fine, I’m surprised Chabad wouldn’t take his word for it.
Chassidim keep the Arizal in higher regard than you'd think?