I hope the Amish are not in the same area.
it's good to be a Lubavitcher
Lol, I was asked by a Canadian immigration officer if I was Amish before I had ever heard of them.
Can you explain what a "visible Jew" is? I would assume you are a "visible Jew".
I'm sitting on one of the most jewish streets in Miami. A car drove by and the driver just yelled "F&$# YOU F&$# YOU F&$# YOU!" To me and my family. So, yes. Visibly Jewish would be me.
Did you tell him that you're Chabad
If Jews = Orthodox Jews then ADL isn't representing Jews at all, they probably harm Jews.If Jews ≠ Orthodox Jews then ADL is probably doing a good job advocating for them.
Wheb Musk refers to Jews, who is he actually referring to?
"Visible non-Jewish"
Can you pick out the one that is "visibly Jewish"? Hint: One is religious.