I'm hesitant to add my two cents here, as I've seen that many people get very defensive, very quickly, when this topic gets brought up.
I live in EY, in a Charedi Kehilla.
Sorry, I have to agree the original poster - even in my Kehila, and in other kehilos I've visited over the past in EY - the Tehillim has become rote, with half the tzibur walking out while saying it or even before... We, as a tzibur maybe, just maybe, are disconnected just a little too much from the Acheinu Bais Yisroel hanesunim batzara uvashivya... It's over there far away, it's not people who look/dress like me, we have hashkafaic differences, they were doing avoda zara anyway... We don't feel like it's our brothers literally in captivity or getting shot at...
I forgot who I heard it from - but I think the point has value - The avodas hayom of those people who are intimately involved in the tzara is to continue life - have the wedding ever though relatives who can't attend (captivity/called up/injured/dead), have the simcha, continue everyday life, don't fall to pieces... That's what the RBS"O wants... The further away you get from it being literally personal the more your avodas hayom is nesiya be'ol... and not to just go on with everything the same...
Look - I need a break/vacation now. My wife says so, my chavrusa says so - and I agree with them. I just haven't found anything that I (or they!) think is appropriate in the current situation to do... and in the meantime I am suffering (relatively). but I understand the reason why I haven't taken the break yet.
I found the OP post a perfectly fine and original way to make a point that some people don't want to hear. Sometimes when it's shocking and unexpected - the point goes in.