The phone number verification is correct. I don't see why the email address would be a problem.
But even assuming you are right, it is not a def flag, and even if it is, usually a call is all that is needed. IMO, worth the minimal effort to make bookkeeping much easier.
The email address thing is recent. It just adds some points to the risk score, but not that much. And yeah, usually you get a screen to call them and they ask some stuff from your CR and you're all done.
I was just saying, if you want instant approvals, to just make sure the info matches the CR (or previous apps!).
I had a whole thing with Chase about using my corporate email on the Ink+ application and my personal email on my CSP. It took like 2 weeks to clear that up. And now, even though I had my personal email nowhere in my business app or profile, I get Ink+ related emails to my personal *and* business addresses.