Rav Moshe and Rav Yaakov were both niftar in Adar of 1986. IINM, there was also a third gadol who was niftar that month. Anyone remember who it was?
https://forums.dansdeals.com/index.php?topic=90361.0Thoughts on renaming this to Pesach Program Discussion Master Thread?There is unfortunately lots of negativity in the industry, but that current title is just depressing.
title didn't change for existing posts
Thanks.However, as a ramification of the change, the thread will now wither into disuse as it no longer has that popcorn-ring to it.
How long will it take for @YitzyS to get a TinTin comic into EVERY thread?
I have a feeling we're gonna have TinTin fatigue pretty soon.
Shhhh!At least he’s not preoccupied with likes!
Why are there no active threads for discussion of books?