Author Topic: The current state of COVID-19 in Israel  (Read 340482 times)

Offline Baglach

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Re: The current state of COVID-19 in Israel
« Reply #140 on: September 02, 2020, 07:24:01 AM »
Additional positives in the Mir today.
At least one large chabura (one that was very makpid on mask wearing) was told not to come till further notice.
Where is this info from? What bes medresh?

Offline yfr bachur

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Re: The current state of COVID-19 in Israel
« Reply #141 on: September 02, 2020, 08:27:12 AM »
Where is this info from?

I'm one of the positives, and have friends in that chabura.
Positives in multiple Batei Medrash.
« Last Edit: September 02, 2020, 08:31:06 AM by yfr bachur »

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Re: The current state of COVID-19 in Israel
« Reply #142 on: September 02, 2020, 08:45:56 AM »
I'm one of the positives, and have friends in that chabura.
Positives in multiple Batei Medrash.
Are all these people symptomatic?

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Re: The current state of COVID-19 in Israel
« Reply #143 on: September 02, 2020, 08:47:46 AM »
I'm one of the positives, and have friends in that chabura.
Positives in multiple Batei Medrash.

R"S!! Thanks for the updates.
Failing at maintaining Lurker status.

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Re: The current state of COVID-19 in Israel
« Reply #144 on: September 02, 2020, 10:57:20 AM »
I understand that you're in bidud, I assume that means that you've just arrived back.
Welcome home.
You have to wear a mask in public.
In stores, on public transportation, in shuls and batei medrash etc..
Has nothing to with inside or outside.

(If anything outside should need it less, not more)
Hold on. You serious?!?
This is law? Next flight back-- sign me up.


Serious question: If its the same group of people together for 10+ Hrs a day... what are the chances that one of them will pick it up somewhere else and spread it around?
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H/t PinchosL

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Re: The current state of COVID-19 in Israel
« Reply #145 on: September 02, 2020, 11:03:18 AM »
I'm one of the positives, and have friends in that chabura.
Positives in multiple Batei Medrash.
I'm out of bidud tomorrow. Lmk if you need anything.
Quote or engagement  equals full throated endorsement and vote!
H/t PinchosL


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Re: The current state of COVID-19 in Israel
« Reply #146 on: September 02, 2020, 11:43:17 AM »
I'm out of bidud tomorrow. Lmk if you need anything.
Maybe you can write up a "tr" and give some helpful tips on being in bidud i just got back and im sure there are others that could benefit from that!

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Re: The current state of COVID-19 in Israel
« Reply #147 on: September 02, 2020, 02:18:04 PM »
Maybe you can write up a "tr" and give some helpful tips on being in bidud i just got back and im sure there are others that could benefit from that!

I'll make sure to include a Google Maps location history screenshot from the last 2 weeks.
Quote or engagement  equals full throated endorsement and vote!
H/t PinchosL

Offline yfr bachur

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Re: The current state of COVID-19 in Israel
« Reply #148 on: September 02, 2020, 02:25:35 PM »
Hold on. You serious?!?
This is law? Next flight back-- sign me up.


Yup, that's the law.
You can be fined 500 shek for not wearing one. (at the beginning they enforced more)
A store (or shul/BM) can and have been be shut for 30 days and given large fines if they are found to not be following the rules - including enforcing mask wearing among customers/attendees.
During Bein Hazmanim the police were stopping inter-city busses and checking riders for mask wearing.

Of course, there are segments of chareidi society that ignore it to various degrees. Meah Shearim, Chassidim, Etz, - the standard suspects.
(Two examples: 1.In Belz they dont wear masks, but the Belzers who work in the Mir wear masks while in the Mir. 2. Zebra stripes keeps coughing in a store, other customers ask him to put on a mask, he argues that its a Zionist plot...puts it on in the end)

As far as I can tell most other parts of chareidi society take it seriously, and expect others too as well.

Serious question: If its the same group of people together for 10+ Hrs a day... what are the chances that one of them will pick it up somewhere else and spread it around?

Quite high, which is why they created the capsule system for the Israeli Yeshivos. You come in, do 14 days of quarantine in a small group and then join the rest of the Yeshiva in a closed bubble till the end of Zman (like the NBA and NHL)

The rules for the Chutznik Yeshivos (and what is being done in the Kollelim) seem to be different and much more likely to have problems. Bidud for 14 days when you come in to the country (if you need it), then enter "open capsules", where you can go out, come back in, mix with other capsules or the general public...(like MLB, and we know the problems they had.)

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Re: The current state of COVID-19 in Israel
« Reply #149 on: September 03, 2020, 06:02:00 AM »
Over 3k cases in the past day. Positive percentage almost 10%.

Offline yfr bachur

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Re: The current state of COVID-19 in Israel
« Reply #150 on: September 03, 2020, 09:05:53 AM »
Over 3k cases in the past day. Positive percentage almost 10%.

That's asides for the people not testing.
There's a family that was exposed to me, some children showing symptoms, that refuses to test.
On top of that, they refuse to quarantine. They are going out, shopping, having friends over... and not telling anyone that they were exposed.

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Re: The current state of COVID-19 in Israel
« Reply #151 on: September 03, 2020, 09:36:00 AM »
Additional positives in the Mir today.
At least one large chabura (one that was very makpid on mask wearing) was told not to come till further notice.

and more today.
The chabura was told today that they should be quarantining, (no shopping, minyan...) due to the high infection rate within the chabura.
(I'd estimate that it's well over 10%, and not just in one section of the chabura)

Online Euclid

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Re: The current state of COVID-19 in Israel
« Reply #152 on: September 03, 2020, 11:22:52 AM »

Rav Chaim’s response was fully in keeping with those directives. It was not directed toward younger, high-school bochurim who return home every day and are exposed to family, relatives, and neighbors. It was not meant as a general policy for the entire yeshivah population.

Offline NTorch

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Re: The current state of COVID-19 in Israel
« Reply #153 on: September 03, 2020, 12:00:41 PM »
The Israeli government’s Coronavirus Cabinet voted Thursday afternoon to impose a total lockdown on 31 towns and cities across Israel in a bid to clamp down on the spread of the coronavirus.

"For an entire month, we had a high – even very high – but stable level of morbidity. In recent days there has been an increase, and a very dramatic increase yesterday," Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu said after the lockdown plan was accepted.

"Today, in the Corona Cabinet, we decided to make an immediate effort to block this increase in morbidity. We made a decision to enact lockdowns on the red cities from which infection is spreading both within the cities themselves and to the rest of the population of Israel."

"I request the cooperation of every Israeli citizen in order to block this morbidity. It is important for the health of each and every one of you."

Interior Minister Aryeh Deri (Shas) and Construction and Housing Minister Yaakov Litzman (United Torah Judaism) voted against the lockdown.

The lockdown is set to begin next Monday, and will last for one week.

During the lockdown, residents will be required to stay within 500 meters of their homes. Public transportation in these areas will be curtailed and most businesses will be required to temporarily close. Schools will be closed, with the exception of special education.

Entry and exit from the areas under lockdown will be limited to essential workers.

Thirty-one towns and cities listed as “red” communities – indicating high coronavirus infection rates – are included in the plan.

In addition, parts of Jerusalem will also be placed under lockdown.

The Old City of Jerusalem will be included in the lockdown, along with a number of predominantly Arab neighborhoods in the capital, such as A-Tur, Shuafat, Wadi el-Joz, and Sheikh Jarrakh.

The thirty-one towns and cities included in the lockdown list include a large number of Israeli Arab communities, along with several cities with large haredi populations, such as Elad, Rekhasim, Bnei Brak, Beit Shemesh, and Beitar Illit.

The list is as follows:

1. Abu Snan

2. Umm al Fahm

3. Elad

4. I'billin

5. Buq'ata

6. Jaljulia

7. Jat

8. Bnei Brak

9. Beitar Illit

10. Beit Jan

11. Beit Shemesh

12. Dalilat al-Carmel

13. Zemer

14. Tiberias

15. Taybe

16. Tira

17. Kisra-Sumei

18. Ka'abiyye-Tabbash-Hajajre

19. Kafr Bara

20. Kafr Kana

21. Kafr Qassem

22. Lakiya

23. Sheikh Danun

24. Maale I’ron

25. Ein Mahil

26. Isfiya

27. Ar'ara

28. Fureidis

29. Qalansawe

30. Rekhasim

31. Kfar Aza

Offline Ergel

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Re: The current state of COVID-19 in Israel
« Reply #154 on: September 03, 2020, 02:22:24 PM »
Doctor in my neighborhood (in RBS A) told me that he hasn't seen local infection rates like they are now.

WhatsApp message is going around asking people who have tested positive to change their address with misrad hapnim in order to avoid a closure
Life isn't about checking the boxes. Nobody cares.

Offline NTorch

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Re: The current state of COVID-19 in Israel
« Reply #155 on: September 03, 2020, 02:28:00 PM »
Doctor in my neighborhood (in RBS A) told me that he hasn't seen local infection rates like they are now.

WhatsApp message is going around asking people who have tested positive to change their address with misrad hapnim in order to avoid a closure

Change their address to what?

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Re: The current state of COVID-19 in Israel
« Reply #156 on: September 03, 2020, 02:28:53 PM »
Change their address to what?
Another city.
מאמץ אחרון למנוע את הסגר!

מכירים חולי קרונה מאומתים? הולכים להיבדק?

כנסו לאתר משרד הפנים ושנו את הכתבות המגורים שלכם לעיר אחרת....

3 דקות. והיצלת את העיר שלך מסגר!
Life isn't about checking the boxes. Nobody cares.

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Re: The current state of COVID-19 in Israel
« Reply #157 on: September 03, 2020, 03:11:15 PM »
Another city.

This is wrong in so many ways.


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Re: The current state of COVID-19 in Israel
« Reply #158 on: September 03, 2020, 03:12:20 PM »
and more today.
The chabura was told today that they should be quarantining, (no shopping, minyan...) due to the high infection rate within the chabura.
(I'd estimate that it's well over 10%, and not just in one section of the chabura)
This is clearly not working out for the mir
Any idea if they are working on a better plan for end of this or next zman?

Offline yfr bachur

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Re: The current state of COVID-19 in Israel
« Reply #159 on: September 03, 2020, 03:27:29 PM »
Another city.

מאמץ אחרון למנוע את הסגר!

מכירים חולי קרונה מאומתים? הולכים להיבדק?

כנסו לאתר משרד הפנים ושנו את הכתבות המגורים שלכם לעיר אחרת....

3 דקות. והיצלת את העיר שלך מסגר!

because the Govt can't see that you changed it yesterday?
or where you took your corona test?
or where your phone is?

Sometimes we outsmart ourselves.
(and then complain that the Govt is picking on us)

What's the endgame? 1000's of people magically leaving BS?
The numbers are only going to go up.
So you delay the seger by a week?
Thanks, just in time for Slichos.

« Last Edit: September 03, 2020, 03:36:27 PM by yfr bachur »