If you live in Lakewood or Brooklyn or Monsey and do not stay in your house then you are fully exposing yourself to COVID positive people
While what you’re saying may be partially true, that is purely the fault of those who are out and about despite testing positive or having been exposed. Don’t try to shirk responsibility with “but officer” arguments. If you knowingly go out exposed/positive and infect someone you are to blame and you are at fault. No ifs, ands, or buts.
As a friend of mine named Chaim once said, “Who are you trying to fool? You’re trying to pull a fast one on your Creator? Good luck with that.”
Stay home if you are exposed or positive. Don’t be a wise guy.
We all learnt that masks and social distancing is the biggest BS out there unless you actually stay in your house away from all people.
The one thing I learned from watching our communities vs. neighboring communities and out of town Frum communities is that obviously masks and SD work. To claim that this showed you otherwise means you’re simply not a bal seichel.