Most people round here & to be fair most of the world don't begin to grasp what went on in Afghanistan.
Blaming Biden or Trump is just trying to score cheap political points (which is the norm in these times).
If you really want to blame a politician then blame Bush/Cheney & warmonger Rumsfeld, who started the mess in Afghanistan & iraq, they had this rediculous notion of teaching democracy to the Arabs.
But the real blame here lays with the afgans themselves, it wouldn't have made a darn bit of difference when the Americans left, or how fast they left. The minute the last Americans left the country would've collapsed be it 2021, 2031 or 2041. And the reason is CORRUPTION.
Afgans have been given every opportunity to succeed as a country, the world has poured trillions of dollars trying to help them but they've continuesly squandered it, the police hadn't been paid in months, soldiers have great weaponry from the Americans but no bullets to shoot with & on & on.
In addition the Americans never understood who they were dealing with, Afganistan isn't so much a country, rather a bunch of warring backward tribes sharing land and we never began to understand that.
End rant.