thank you for posting. And thank you to whoever asked the rosh yeshiva to speak in English. I always find it funny when people are raising money and refuse to speak English (when they clearly know) even though many potential donors don't speak Yiddish.
I don't know if you know who set this campaign up but if you do, could you ask them to enable the OJC and Pledger donation capability? Again, why do people put up potential barriers to donors?
I asked the person in charge. He said that he can't incorporate it into the website, but OJC coupons can be sent in to the address in the ads, or you can go on OJC's website to "Zichron Refoel" and write in the memo "Pidyon Shvuyim". (Or you can PM me for the tax ID number.) But there is no option for Pledger right night.