Is allowing chicken hearts a step up? Because that was one of the big changes they allowed when they took over kinneret. So again, what was their motivation to start the hechsher?
The answer can be money.
I never heard anything about chicken hearts, and I do not know if you have any reliable sources.
I do know that both Rabbis of Mehadrin are respectable talmidei chochomim. Neither one is gaining money from this.
They worked with the Vaad extensively to make improvements. It failed.
Why would a Rabbi open a shul in the same vicinity of an other shul? Money? Honor? It doesn't matter. The Rabbi down the block would and should never slander the other Rabbi or his shul. They might work on improving their current shul so as to keep their members from leaving them.
The Vaad should do the same.
It does not matter why the Mehadrin opened. maybe it was l'shem shomayim, maybe money, maybe kavod. Maybe not. It doesn't matter. Regardless, they have good legal standing in Beis Din and Court.