Think again
I stand corrected, and remain - as always - profoundly amazed by TimT's unequaled finding abilities!
?ל"אגריד" זכיתי ל"לייק" לא זכיתי
Random Jew, yes.Random non-Jew, no.Random non-Jew who’s spent 185 days, 3 hours and 51 minutes on DDF, yes.
Depends if he has amnesia when he switches personalities.
Methinks that's missing quite a bit
So I meet you in person at a shabbos meal, I know you personally. I converse with you every day for years, I know your opinions on almost every topic, I know your hobbies, what music you like, when you have simchas, and a host of other tidbits, like when you last called a plumber, what much of your investment portfolio looks like, and how you voted in the last election, but I still don't know you personally?
it's good to be a Lubavitcher
In an age when a "cheap" digital camera is 20mp, why does a digital clock still look like: _ _ _ _l * l_ l_ll_ * _l l_l
Quotes in a signature is annoying, as it comes across as an independent post.
I will be driving R’ Sholom Mordechai Rubashkin in about an hour. Is there anything I should ask/tell him about?
A place called prison?
Ask him how [@shmelke] was as a bochur in Postville yeshiva