I'm sure this has been discussed somewhere here, but IDK where:
I find that almost always, steak gets too tough on the grill. I've tried various techniques, but still...
What is the best cut for an easy to eat steak on the grill? Any other tips?
Chicken, burgers, and franks come out great.
Which cuts come out tough?
For a nice, thick-cut rib steak (with good marbling, hopefully), follow these directions:
Use a thermometer.
Use a 2 zone cooking system (have the heat only on one side of the grill).
Put the steak on the cold side of the grill with the thermometer probe inserted. Cover the grill.
When the steak hits about 110, get the hot (direct) side of the grill as high as it will go (for charcoal, have a half chimney of charcoal ready to go, and put them on the hot side of the grill).
Sear each side of the steak for about 1 minute (or until it gets nicely browned). At this point, the center of the steak should be around 120-125F
Let the steak rest off the grill (on a drying rack if possible, so that it doesn't lose its crispness)
For a thinnish (16-ounce range) rib steak, you can do all the cooking on the hot side of the grill with the cover open and the heat as high as you can get it. But you should still use a thermometer, particularly if you don't have experience doing this (successfully). Flip the steak every 30 seconds until the center hits ~120-125 (this is the safe way of doing it. If you are more confident, you can do it where you only flip once, but there's no great reason to do that. Flipping every 30 seconds will get you the best searing and most even cooking, with no experience.
For something like a skirt steak, it's extremely important to cut against the grain, and to make the slices somewhat on the thin side of things. If you cut with the grain it will be tough.