Wow this is awful--I was wondering why almost every price for boxes of TruEye were exactly the same!That said, I've been happy recently with a site as they throw in free samples (and have no need to send a prescription) though they seem to have recently added a shipping charge for >$100 orders whereas before it was free
Almost all sites are now the same price. For a while there was a good deal on Acuvue TruEye at but eventually they also joined the UPP fellows. You can still find a decent deal at Use coupon SAVE10 or WELCOME.
Thanks for the tip! I actually just got from, paid a bit less than everlenses. Check em out if they work for you.
Can anyone recommend somewhere cheap to get ACUVUEŽ OASYS?
I've been getting from 1800 and I switched from OASYS to Acuvue Dailies, and it might be that discounts aren't allowed across the board on those products.. For sure for the dailies, visiondirect and 1800 are required to have the same lowest price guarantee..
I find OASYS to be very comfortable for 18 hrs/day. What do you like about the Dailies?
Is there anywhere I can order contact lenses without a current prescription?
In lakewood I know of a place
Just want to post another success story with 800Contacts matching to Got an instant credit for the would-be MIR from replacemycontacts. Saved over $100 from the 800Contact price including their own MIR.
Why does everyone want to order from 1800Contacts specifically?