Does anyone know of a good safer that discusses "Tzimtzum" in depth, I am not referring to the basic idea of "Tzimtzum", and the Machlokes of Tzimtzum kepshuto or aino kepshuto, as brought down in the Tanya, Nefesh Hachaim, Pischey Sheorim etc.. They seem to explain what Tzimtzum "Is" and "Isnt" but not addressing many difficult questions that arise from either explanation, and I cant seem to find a good safer that clarifies these questions, anyone have any advice of good sources as their doesnt seem to be many?
(R` Aryeh Kaplan has 1 safer that he wrote in Hebrew called "Moreh Ohr" which seems to be out of print as is virtually unobtainable, I managed to download a PDF version online, he discusses a few difficult hashkafic ideas, and on the Inyan of Tzimtzum he literally asks 2 of the questions that have been bothering me, only to go on to many more points on other topics and does not seem to answer them at the end, its possible that the PDF version isnt the entire safer and possibly he does answer it if their is a longer version.)