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Author Topic: All Halocha Shailos and Tiffeh Questions  (Read 1050506 times)

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Re: All Halocha Shailos and teiffa Questions
« Reply #4660 on: September 16, 2020, 12:37:39 PM »
Make sure the Rov heard of מתה מחמת מלאכה, that a שואל is not chayev... Either way אמר רבי יוחנן: לא חרבה ירושלים אלא... שהעמידו דיניהם על דין תורה, ולא עבדו [=עשו] לפנים משורת הדין (בבא מציעא ל ע"ב).
Doubt this is מחמת מלאכה. And  שהעמידו דיניהם על דין תורה does not mean that when 2 people have a question if one owes the other money they can't ask a rav.

Offline aygart

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Re: All Halocha Shailos and teiffa Questions
« Reply #4661 on: September 16, 2020, 12:41:03 PM »
Make sure the Rov heard of מתה מחמת מלאכה, that a שואל is not chayev...

If you need to make sure he heard of something taught in elementary school then maybe e is not the right onew to be going to in the first place.
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Re: All Halocha Shailos and teiffa Questions
« Reply #4662 on: September 18, 2020, 08:57:06 AM »
In Nusach ashkenaz, when we say l'dovid hashem ori
- At Ma'ariv, we add an additional kaddish after l'dovid
- At shacharis, we simply move the kaddish from after the shir shel yom to after l'dovid

Why is that? Why wouldn't we say a second kaddish after l'dovid as we do at ma'ariv?

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Re: All Halocha Shailos and teiffa Questions
« Reply #4663 on: September 18, 2020, 09:14:37 AM »
I had ILS in EY and needed USD in NY. I found someone that had an opposite need, and we agreed that for USD he would deposit into my account in NY I would transfer to his account in EY ILS at the current rate (usually looked up by Google search entering XXXXX US to ILS).

At a certain point he asked me if I could advance him a larger amount in ILS, which he would repay me about 10 days later in USD, to which I agreed.  In the interim, the exchange rate broke through the key level of 3.40.

What would be the right amount of USD for him to repay me so that neither of us have a problem of ribbis? Would it be the rate at the time I advance the ILS to him, the rate at the time of repayment, or anything else? It should be noted that in the past no attention was paid to a day or two difference due to smaller amounts and smaller swings in the exchange rate.

I am not a halachic authority, but let me ask it to you this way:
- If I borrow a cup of sugar from you, and I agree to pay you the price of a cup of sugar in a week from now:
- If the sugar significantly appreciates in value, I still need to return 1 cup to you, a significant loss to me
- If the sugar significantly depreciates in value - I still need to return 1 cup to you, a significant loss to you

Conversely - if sugar is $1/cup, and I borrow $1 worth of sugar, you only get back $1 worth of sugar at the value when I return it to you. It sounds trivial but it makes a difference.

So my question for your transaction - did you view this as a loan in NIS, or a loan in $?

If you viewed this as a Dollar loan, even though you paid him in NIS, he would need to be pay you back the $$ equivalent.

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Re: All Halocha Shailos and teiffa Questions
« Reply #4664 on: September 18, 2020, 09:22:41 AM »

- If the sugar significantly appreciates in value, I still need to return 1 cup to you, a significant loss to me

This sounds like sa'ah bisa'ah which is either ribis dirabbonon or michzi kiribis (don't remember which)
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Re: All Halocha Shailos and teiffa Questions
« Reply #4665 on: September 18, 2020, 10:04:56 AM »
This sounds like sa'ah bisa'ah which is either ribis dirabbonon or michzi kiribis (don't remember which)
This can be a serious issue with eggs. People borrow eggs all the time and the price can fluctuate significantly.
I wonder what people who type "u" instead of "you" do with all their free time.

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Re: All Halocha Shailos and teiffa Questions
« Reply #4666 on: September 18, 2020, 10:42:40 AM »
In Nusach ashkenaz, when we say l'dovid hashem ori
- At Ma'ariv, we add an additional kaddish after l'dovid
- At shacharis, we simply move the kaddish from after the shir shel yom to after l'dovid

Why is that? Why wouldn't we say a second kaddish after l'dovid as we do at ma'ariv?
Actually more of a reason to do the opposite, so as not to think ledovid is part of the yom

Offline Yonah

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Re: All Halocha Shailos and teiffa Questions
« Reply #4667 on: September 18, 2020, 11:39:13 AM »
Actually more of a reason to do the opposite, so as not to think ledovid is part of the yom

Which is what I am asking - shouldn't we be consistent? i.e. L'Dovid gets its own kaddish regardless of the tefila it's being included in.

Offline aygart

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Re: All Halocha Shailos and teiffa Questions
« Reply #4668 on: September 18, 2020, 12:31:43 PM »
In Nusach ashkenaz, when we say l'dovid hashem ori
- At Ma'ariv, we add an additional kaddish after l'dovid
- At shacharis, we simply move the kaddish from after the shir shel yom to after l'dovid

Why is that? Why wouldn't we say a second kaddish after l'dovid as we do at ma'ariv?

1. Some don't say between aleinu and ldovid either
2. Bais Ephraim say to say kaddish between SSY and Ldovid since they are separate items.
3. Not all agree that them being separate items means to say kaddish
4. There are varying degrees of difference between items so SSY and LDovid which are both day dependent kapitlach tehilim are a lower degree of separation than aleinu.
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Offline aygart

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Re: All Halocha Shailos and teiffa Questions
« Reply #4669 on: September 18, 2020, 12:32:08 PM »
This can be a serious issue with eggs. People borrow eggs all the time and the price can fluctuate significantly.
yes and other items like fruit.
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Re: All Halocha Shailos and teiffa Questions
« Reply #4670 on: September 18, 2020, 01:37:16 PM »
1. Some don't say between aleinu and ldovid either
2. Bais Ephraim say to say kaddish between SSY and Ldovid since they are separate items.
3. Not all agree that them being separate items means to say kaddish
4. There are varying degrees of difference between items so SSY and LDovid which are both day dependent kapitlach tehilim are a lower degree of separation than aleinu.
Perhaps according to Nusach Ashkenaz there is no distinction between SSY & LDovid since both are just Tehillim, but Nusach Sefard recites SSY in place of the Song of the Leviim in the BM, so L'Dovid is completely different.


ראה תשובות בנין שלמה לבעל החשק שלמה (הוצאת הרב שלמה ניימן), בהערות למעשה רב, שם יצא לחדש ששיר של יום להגר"א איננו מפני שהלווים אומרים בבית המקדש, אלא מצד הנאמר במס' סופרים כל האומר פסוק בעונתו מעלה עליו הכתוב כאילו בנה מזבח והקריב עליו קרבן.
ולכן יש שש"י לפורים וחנוכה אף שבבית המקדש חלילה ששינו מה שתיקנו שמואל ודוד.
וגם מה שאומרים בכל יום איננו מפני השיר של הלויים אלא מפאת שהגמ' מבארת מה חשיבות כל מזמור לענינו של יום, וממילא ראוי לומר זאת בכל יום כפסוק בענינו של יום.
דבריו מוכרחים לפי נוסח אשכנז שכדוגמא אומרים בשבת אחר התפילה מזמור שיר ליום השבת, ואילו היה שש"י מצד זכר להקרבת הקרבן היה צריך לומר זאת אחרי שחרית כמנהג ספרדים, ואילו אחר מוסף לומר הזי"ו ל"ך. ובאמת זו גם הסיבה שאין לומר לפני שש"י "השיר שהלוים אמרים בבית המקדש" כי מאי שייטא להא. ולכן לדידן גם אומרים שש"י אחר עלינו, שזה כבר אחר סיום התפילה.
ואילו לאחינו הספרדים (נוסח עדות מזרח/נוסח ספרד) ענין שש"י הוא מצד זכר להקרבת הקרבן ולכן, למשל, אומרים בשבת דר"ח גם מזמור שיר ליום השבת אחרי שחרית, וגם ברכי נפשי אחר מוסף (השאלה למה לא אומרים אחר מוסף הזי"ו ל"ך). ולכן הם אומרים שש"י בחול, לפני עלינו, כי זה חלק מסדר התפילה לשיטתם.

דעת הגר"א לא לומר 'מזמור שיר חנוכת הבית'' [וכן דעתו על לדוד ה' אורי ועוד]. וכותב שזה מצד שאין לומר תהילים בציבור חוץ משיר של יום.
משמע מזה שהנושא של שיר של יום הוא מצד אמירת תהילים שמתאים לומר באותו יום, ולא מצד נשלמה פרים שפתינו. וס"ל לגר"א שבציבור אומרים דווקא שיר של יום שהוא המיוחד לאותו יום.
״וזה כלל גדול: שישנא אדם כל דבר שקר. וכל מה שיוסיף שנאה לדרכי השקר – יוסיף אהבה לתורה.״ - אורחות צדיקים

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Re: All Halocha Shailos and teiffa Questions
« Reply #4671 on: September 18, 2020, 05:48:38 PM »
This can be a serious issue with eggs. People borrow eggs all the time and the price can fluctuate significantly.
yes and other items like fruit.
There are heteirim for normal borrowing between friends and neighbors where neither side is makpid.
If you don't care why would you comment?

Offline aygart

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Re: All Halocha Shailos and teiffa Questions
« Reply #4672 on: September 18, 2020, 06:13:44 PM »
There are heteirim for normal borrowing between friends and neighbors where neither side is makpid.
Correct. AYLOR for details
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Re: All Halocha Shailos and teiffa Questions
« Reply #4673 on: September 27, 2020, 02:49:42 PM »
Do you take of your kittel when you go into the bathroom? Why?

I asked a few years ago and IIRC I was told that I don't have too (not meyuchad l'tefillah?) but I see that many do...

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Re: All Halocha Shailos and teiffa Questions
« Reply #4674 on: September 27, 2020, 03:02:49 PM »
Do you take of your kittel when you go into the bathroom? Why?

I asked a few years ago and IIRC I was told that I don't have too (not meyuchad l'tefillah?) but I see that many do...
that would be the reason

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Re: All Halocha Shailos and teiffa Questions
« Reply #4675 on: September 27, 2020, 03:03:21 PM »
Do you take of your kittel when you go into the bathroom? Why?

I asked a few years ago and IIRC I was told that I don't have too (not meyuchad l'tefillah?) but I see that many do...
The M''b says you need to, as it is meyuched ltefilah.
Eta, אבל להשתין מותר, והסטייפלער נהג כן גם בביה׳׳כ קבוע דזמנינו
« Last Edit: September 27, 2020, 03:16:05 PM by EliJelly »

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Re: All Halocha Shailos and teiffa Questions
« Reply #4676 on: September 27, 2020, 05:20:05 PM »
If using money as kaporas, is there an amount per person ?

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Re: All Halocha Shailos and teiffa Questions
« Reply #4677 on: September 27, 2020, 05:22:08 PM »
If using money as kaporas, is there an amount per person ?
Are you saying it hasn't been asked before on DDF?

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Re: All Halocha Shailos and teiffa Questions
« Reply #4678 on: September 27, 2020, 05:23:02 PM »
If using money as kaporas, is there an amount per person ?
I don't know of any. But many people give 18 PP.

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Re: All Halocha Shailos and teiffa Questions
« Reply #4679 on: October 01, 2020, 04:31:35 PM »
I was speaking to my son (who is learning in EY) about Yom Tov Sheni Shel Galus for Bnei Chutz La'aretz in Israel.

He mentioned to me that he heard from one of his friends that their yeshiva told them to keep a second day, but to daven the regular Chol Hamoed davening (or weekday davening in the case of Chutznik Simchas Torah).

I realize that there are different opinions on the matter, but my impression was if you were celebrating Yom Tov Sheni shel Galus, you observe it as you would the day before - is there a source for this hybrid?