Author Topic: Corona virus and your shul  (Read 448959 times)

Offline Abebee

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Re: Corona virus and your shull
« Reply #60 on: March 12, 2020, 03:49:31 PM »
which nursing home?
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Offline chevron

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Re: Corona virus and your shull
« Reply #61 on: March 12, 2020, 03:50:45 PM »
I am looking for a hand washing guideline signs in Hebrew and Yiddish I looked on the CDC website and I don't see anything Can somebody please attach them here or if needed you can email me I would like to print them and put them up in my s h u l l

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Re: Corona virus and your shull
« Reply #62 on: March 12, 2020, 03:54:18 PM »

We have been asked, in light of the pandemic spread of the terrible coronavirus, whether yeshivos and day schools should close down until the danger of infection has passed.

It is our opinion, at least as of now, and at least in cities or municipalities where public and private schools are not required to close, that yeshivos and day schools should remain open. The koach haTorah generated by tinokos shel bais rabban is inestimable, and is urgently needed in times like these.

The general consensus among health officials at this time appears to be that schools may remain open, as evidenced by the fact that most local health authorities have not at this point ordered the wholesale closing of schools, neither public schools nor private schools. We do not think that yeshivos and day schools need to hold themselves to a different standard than that determined appropriate for neighboring public or private schools.

Of course, yeshivos and day schools must do all in their power to minimize any risk of students or staff becoming infected by the coronavirus. Large gatherings should be avoided. Good hygienic habits must be observed. Schools should have local doctors with whom to consult as any issue may arise. Most importantly, children or adults who do not feel well or who have compromised immune systems should stay home.

Finally, in light of the extraordinary medical dangers posed by the coronavirus challenge, and the tremendous negative economic impact the spread of the virus is having on individuals and industries, we strongly urge all yeshivos and day schools to add special tefillos for rachamei Shomayim. The Gemara in Maseches Shevuos, 15b, refers to Tehillim 91 as "Shir shel paga'im" or "Shir shel nega'im" - a special tefilla for protection from such plagues. This is a tefilla especially fitting for today.

May the zchus of maintaining hevel pihem shel tinokos bais rabban even in these difficult times be a source of protection for all of Klal Yisroel.
Vaad Roshei Yeshiva of Torah Umesorah
ט"ז אדר, תש"פ- March 12, 2020
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Re: Corona virus and your shull
« Reply #64 on: March 12, 2020, 05:08:32 PM »
To @stooges44 's posts from Torah U'Mesorah and R' Bender of Darchei - almost all of the shul's and schools that I've listed as being closed are all schools that have:

a) Confirmed cases of Corona - either students, staff and/or parents
b) Have been ordered or recommended by their local government/health dept. to close

To that point, I agree with Darchei/Torah U'mesorah's stance - we definitely need to take precautions in their schools before considering closing - i.e. no water fountains, purell, etc.- but I honestly think it's inevitable that they will need to close Yeshivos - it just might take another week or two.

We're fortunate in my kids schools that they have the opportunity to learn via video conference (both Limudei Kodesh and Chol). I am curious if other yeshivos have that capacity.

Take Darchei as an example - I think that the letter said that they have 2500 students. Do they even have the capacity? Are their rebbeim tech savvy enough? Do enough households have Internet and devices to make it feasible?

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Re: Corona virus and your shull
« Reply #65 on: March 12, 2020, 05:25:14 PM »
It is our opinion, at least as of now, and at least in cities or municipalities where public and private schools are not required to close, that yeshivos and day schools should remain open. The koach haTorah generated by tinokos shel bais rabban is inestimable, and is urgently needed in times like these.

The general consensus among health officials at this time appears to be that schools may remain open, as evidenced by the fact that most local health authorities have not at this point ordered the wholesale closing of schools, neither public schools nor private schools. We do not think that yeshivos and day schools need to hold themselves to a different standard than that determined appropriate for neighboring public or private schools.

It sounds nice, but it is ignoring the reality that frum people have been disproportionately affected, and our lifestyle naturally attributes to it. If the public school system had a similar outbreak they would all be shut.
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Re: Corona virus and your shull
« Reply #66 on: March 12, 2020, 05:25:48 PM »
To @stooges44 's posts from Torah U'Mesorah and R' Bender of Darchei - almost all of the shul's and schools that I've listed as being closed are all schools that have:

a) Confirmed cases of Corona - either students, staff and/or parents
b) Have been ordered or recommended by their local government/health dept. to close

To that point, I agree with Darchei/Torah U'mesorah's stance - we definitely need to take precautions in their schools before considering closing - i.e. no water fountains, purell, etc.- but I honestly think it's inevitable that they will need to close Yeshivos - it just might take another week or two.

We're fortunate in my kids schools that they have the opportunity to learn via video conference (both Limudei Kodesh and Chol). I am curious if other yeshivos have that capacity.

Take Darchei as an example - I think that the letter said that they have 2500 students. Do they even have the capacity? Are their rebbeim tech savvy enough? Do enough households have Internet and devices to make it feasible?
It may be possible in Darchei, but it's definitely impossible in Lakewood.
I wonder what people who type "u" instead of "you" do with all their free time.

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Re: Corona virus and your shull
« Reply #67 on: March 12, 2020, 05:27:13 PM »
they dont need to do video learning
they can do teleconferencing

Offline Yonah

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Re: Corona virus and your shull
« Reply #68 on: March 12, 2020, 05:30:20 PM »
they dont need to do video learning
they can do teleconferencing

Fair enough, but it's still a logistical nightmare - that works out to something like 60 conference calls daily (5 classes per 12 grades).

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Re: Corona virus and your shull
« Reply #69 on: March 12, 2020, 06:08:06 PM »
they dont need to do video learning
they can do teleconferencing
How many children can teleconference in a home at a time?
Feelings don't care about your facts

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Re: Corona virus and your shull
« Reply #70 on: March 12, 2020, 06:09:13 PM »
How many children can teleconference in a home at a time?
How many TV's do they have?  :)
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Offline Yonah

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Re: Corona virus and your shull
« Reply #71 on: March 12, 2020, 07:30:01 PM »
It's long, but this is a letter that was sent to my shul as well as the others listed below and signed by our rabbonim. The letter is almost a verbatim copy of one that was sent to shuls in the Bergen County area this morning.

Understand that about half of the current confirmed cases in NY state are in Westchester county, and the vast majority of them are in the frum community.

Dear friends,

We write to you in unprecedented times that have brought great upheaval to the world around us, to our region and has hit the heart of our Jewish community, in a very real way. In fact, no community has, arguably, been impacted more (and, God willing, no one else will in the future) than our greater Westchester community. There are many people that have not only tested positive to COVID-19 in our collective communities, but there also several who are currently hospitalized in area hospitals and are in serious condition.

Therefore, due to the unknown and dangerous nature of this highly communicable disease, with the awareness that our hospitals are already filled with COVID-19 patients, and acknowledging that this is an ever-changing reality, we, the Orthodox Rabbis of Southern Westchester, have come together - for the protection and safety of our community so that it not spread further - and decided to adopt directives similar to those wisely adopted by the Rabbinical Council of Bergen County. These are our adapted directives that are in effect immediately and will remain in place, indefinitely, until further notice:

1. All community members are strongly encouraged to work from home, if possible, and to stay home whenever possible. It is critical for adults to set the right example.
2. As most schools are currently closed and many are in quarantine, we strongly discourage children having playdates with different families, even if they are not under quarantine. It also goes without saying, that it is against the law, against Halacha and a tremendous Chillul Hashem to allow children under quarantine to have playdates with other children, in their homes or at other homes.
3. Shuls will be closed for all minyanim and shiurim effective immediately until further notice. There should be no house minyanim. All of the rabbis will be davening alone in their own homes. Please daven at home, individually.
4. There should be no public celebrations for Semachot.
5. People should not have gatherings for Shabbat meals.
6. Shiva visits should be replaced by phone/video calls.
7. Funerals should be restricted to a small group of family members and a minyan.
8. Refrain from contact sports.
9. Restaurants should not seat customers. People should order for pick-up and delivery only. Please consider ordering from local Westchester eateries, as they depend on our business, especially at a difficult financial time for them like this one.
10. The Mikvaot will remain open, by appointment only (YIS is open; YINR TBD), at the guidance of the CDC and local health authorities. Both Mikvaot have been cleaned and sanitized appropriately. Women under quarantine or who are experiencing symptoms of illness, or have a family member who’s tested positive for COVID-19, may not use the mikvah at this time. Please consult your Rav for further clarification or for specific questions.

We urge you to adhere to these directives until further notice. Of course, at this time, we should continue davening, learning and performing Mitzvot as much as we can - even if it is at home. And, with these merits, may Hashem send a Refuah Sheleimah to all of the Cholim of our County, our Country, in Israel and across the world.

The Orthodox Rabbis of Southern Westchester:
Rabbi Yaakov Bienenfeld, Young Israel of Harrison
Rabbi Reuven Fink, Young Israel of New Rochelle
Rabbi Craig Glasser, Northeast Jewish Center
Rabbi Shmuel Greenberg, Young Israel of White Plains
Rabbi Evan Hoffman, Congregation Anshe Sholom
Rabbi Chaim Marder, Hebrew Institute of White Plains
Rabbi Jonathan Morgenstern, Young Israel of Scarsdale
Rabbi Daniel Rosenfelt, Fleetwood Synagogue
​​​​​​​Rabbi Mitchell Serels, Magen David Sephardic Congregation

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Re: Corona virus and your shull
« Reply #72 on: March 12, 2020, 07:41:19 PM »
Because it's very similar to the flu in many ways. It's really not all you're hyping it up to be. All the panic I'm seeing is a fear of the unknown.
Wonder, whether u have changed your mind ?

Offline chevron

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Re: Corona virus and your shull
« Reply #73 on: March 13, 2020, 12:35:49 AM »
Stop kissing the mezuza
Stop kissing the Torah!!!!
Wash hands with soap!! So many people don't do this on Shabbat even though shull soap is ok... I've been pushing my shull to hang up signs!

Stop shaking hands

Our shull cancelled kidushim untill further notice

Move daily minyan to large sanctuary to minimize exposure and contact

Mikvah?!? For chasidim this is a problem

There are endless reasons why our society is so at risk!

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Re: Corona virus and your shull
« Reply #74 on: March 13, 2020, 12:45:18 AM »
A perhaps larger concern here is why people are spelling “shull” with a double L.

Offline grodnoking

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Re: Corona virus and your shull
« Reply #75 on: March 13, 2020, 12:57:28 AM »
A perhaps larger concern here is why people are spelling “shull” with a double L.
Shul [sh•ool]
Shull [sh•uhl]

Two different "havaros"
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Re: Corona virus and your shull
« Reply #76 on: March 13, 2020, 08:33:41 AM »
In a shul in unsdorf, yerushalayim, before megilla reading, the following announcement was made by the Rav: "if you are supposed to be in quarantine, and you came anyway to hear the megilla, the baal koreh has in mind NOT to be motzie you!" 
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Re: Corona virus and your shull
« Reply #77 on: March 13, 2020, 08:42:06 AM »
Stop kissing the mezuza
Stop kissing the Torah!!!!
Wash hands with soap!! So many people don't do this on Shabbat even though shull soap is ok... I've been pushing my shull to hang up signs!

Says who?
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Re: Corona virus and your shull
« Reply #79 on: March 13, 2020, 10:42:10 AM »