Every hashgacha has +&-.
Isn't it all Costco? Perhaps a production in a certain area where the local kehilla/rov is pushing for a clear certification?
1. Google cow water.2. Purified ≠ distilled 3. I dont think there's a single case of distilled drinking water being sourced from condensate. Though I may be wrong.On the other hand, there have need rare instances of water being pasteurized in grape equipment
Echo chambers are boring and don't contribute much to deeper thinking and understanding!
Is there any Halachik reason to Kasher ones Kiddush Kos/Becher for Pesach if they never use it around hot Chametz? If yes, shouldn't it be enough just pouring boiling water on it. I'm asking because i see people doing Hagala on them besfore Pesach.
many use on a table with chametz and wash it hot I. A chametz sink
So wouldn't pouring boiling water on it be enough?
the minhag as brought in the noisei keilim is to kasher utensils and plates etc in a kli rishon when possible
Antibiotics have chametz in them?
Antibiotics are food?
What is “food”? Chometz is food, no? Now it’s mixed with something else.I’m only familiar with a ptur when something is נפסל מאכילת כלב. AFAIK antibiotics are not.
It has a k'zayis of chometz?
You are allowed to eat less than a kzayis?
חצי שיעור אסור מן התורה
It's not food so it's not achilah.
Chometz is food and it’s asuur unless it’s נפסל מאכילת כלב