An old post on LKO from 1994!
This is the org that certifies Dunkin Donuts here.>Subject: Kashrut of Herbalife
>In preparation for becoming a sales person of Herbalife here in Israel,
>my daughter was given background information, including a letter from
>Lakewood Kashrus Organization which certifies that products sold by
>Herbalife Israel Ltd. are kosher and pareve. I have two questions:
>1. Can anyone provide information about this certifying organization?
>2. One of the products listed in the letter as kosher-pareve is "Drink
>mix fortified with vitamins and minerals in the chocolate, strawberry
>and vanilla flavor". This contains calcium caseinate and sweet dairy
>whey in both the English and Hebrew lists of ingredients. Is the pareve
>certification incorrect, or is the ingredients list incorrect?
>Sherman Marcus
The Lakewood Kashrus Organization was started by Rav Yitzchok Abadi.
Rav Yitzchok, who now lives in Har HaNof, is the rav hamachshir
(certifying authority). Rabbi Yosef Tesler is the administrator.
I asked Rabbi Tesler about the ingredients, and he said that the product
is pareve. The reason is that the whey and caseinate are pogum
(foul tasting), and are therefore classified as not fit to eat. Thus
the product does not become dairy, even though those ingredients are
derived from dairy sources.
Sorry for the lateness of this response, but I kept forgetting
to call him. Rabbi Tesler does not have net access, and I don't
read mail lists in anything near real time, so I cannot undertake
to pass on any further discussion that develops from this.