You found something for a penny and you couldn't fargin to buy 3 of them?
billion dollar mistake
Error: Invalid use of NULL
that i can deal with, its just frustrating when (null = null) = falsesilently omitting thousands of records
Below, a list of a few famous bugaboos of mine. Which do you agree with THE MOST? (You must choose one, even if the choice is hard or if your degree of annoyance for any is minuscule.)A: Adults who ride bicycles on narrow-ish sidewalks instead of on the streets. // B: People at the table who blow on, say, hot soup in their spoon before eating it. // C: People who engage the cashier in banter when there is a line behind them. // D. People who drive big, boat-like cars on narrow city streets. // E. Drivers too timid to go out into the intersection to turn left, leaving everyone behind them to miss the light.
Echo chambers are boring and don't contribute much to deeper thinking and understanding!
Sent by Gene Weingarten this morning:
I get all of them besides for B, what am I supposed to do if my soup is too hot to eat? Wait for it to cool down?
Get instant relief by realizing it's a different language. If you're unaware click on the link in my signature line and read that thread.